Clan Forsyth Society
New Zealand
Clan Forsyth Society of Canada was formally founded in May 1990 in Toronto Canada after two years as an unofficial branch. Major Angus Forsyth, founding Secretary and Vice President of the Parent Society in Scotland played an important part in guiding the Canadian Society through its early days of organization. His devotion to the Clan and his knowlege were most appreciated. He was appointed as Honorary President of Clan Forsyth Society of Canada. Major Angus Forsyth passed away in August 2001.

The Society publishes and mails out to its membership, four Canadian Society newsletters and the annual newsletter from Clan Forsyth Society of Scotland (the parent society). Bloodline joining the Society automatically become members of the Parent Society. Their annual meeting, known as an AGM, is to be held the last week of April. Their first and only clan reunion was held in Wolfeville Nova Scotia. If you are of the bloodline of the Family of Forsyth and live in Canada, please consider joining Clan Forsyth Society of Canada by contacting their leadership listed on the clan branches page.
About Us
Forsyths in Canada
Coat of Arms of Canada
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